- Robo-FTP User's Guide
- Introducing Robo-FTP
- License and Installation
- Using Robo-FTP
- Script Programming
- The Robo-EDIT Script File Editor
- Command Syntax
- Constants
- Variables
- Control Flow Labels for Branching
- Code Comments
- Using Wildcards
- Using Functions
- Script Commands
- Internal Script Variables
- Using the %copyfiles Variable
- Using the %counter variable
- Using the %cr, %crlf, and %lf Variables
- Using the %currentlocaldir Variable
- Using the %currentlogfile and %currenttracelogfile Variables
- Using the %currentscript and %currentscriptdir Variables
- Using the %currentsitedir Variable
- Using the %date, %datetime, and %time Variables
- Using the %dbqueryrawresult, %dbqueryrows, and %dbqueryvariables Variables
- Using the %deletefiles and %ftpdeletefiles Variables
- Using the %difffileid, %difffilename, %difffilepath, %difffilesize, %diffdatetime, and %difffiletext Variables
- Using the %difffiles and %diffnum Variables
- Using the %downloadcount, %uploadcount, and %syncount Variables
- Using the %downloadfiles and %uploadfiles variables
- Using the %downloaderrors and %uploaderrors Variables
- Using the %downloadsize and %uploadsize Variables
- Using the %ftpdifffileid, %ftpdifffilename, %ftpdifffilepath, %ftpdiffsize, %ftpdiffdatetime, and %ftpdifffiletext Variables
- Using the %ftpdifffiles and %ftpdiffnum Variables
- Using the %ftplastresult and %ftpresultsfile Variables
- Using the %installdir and %installver Variables
- Using the %lasterror Variable
- Using the %lasterrormsg Variable
- Using the %lastfailedcmd Variable
- Using the %lastfile and %lastpath Variables
- Using the %nextcmd Variable
- Using the %nextfile, %nextfolder, and %nextpath Variables
- Using the %nextfiledate, %nextfiledatetime, %nextfilesize, and %nextfiletime Variables
- Using the %pgpdecryptfile Variable
- Using the %programdatadir Variable
- Using the %protocol Variable
- Using the %random variable
- Using the %servertype Variable
- Using the %sitefile and %sitedir Variables
- Using the %sitefiledate, %sitefiledatetime, %sitefilesize, and %sitefiletime Variables
- Using the %zipcount and %upzipcount Variables
- Debugging, Logging and Troubleshooting
- Select Topics in Script Programming
- Sample Script Files
- Using the Script File Wizard
- Using the CronMaker Utility
- Robo-FTP Framework
- Robo-FTP Interface
- Appendix